În scopul menţinerii unui schimb util de informaţii între toate organizaţiile care activează în domeniul TB/SIDA în Republica Moldova, secretariatul CNC TB/SIDA vă propune spre atenţie un BULETIN INFORMATIV, ce reflectă activităţile din domeniu, oferindu-vă acces la informaţii de actualitate şi interes comun.
Pentru comentarii, propuneri şi informaţii suplimentare nu ezitaţi să ne contactaţi la adresa electronică: ccm_secretariat@mednet.md sau la telefonul/fax: 022 72 73 59.
Aug 15, 2013
Training course in HIV Data Triangulation and Data Use

The WHO Collaborating Centre for HIV Surveillance based at the School of Medicine in Zagreb, Croatia (www.whohub-zagreb.org ) has the pleasure of announcing a new training course in HIV Data Triangulation and Data Use, which will be held from 21-25 October 2013 in Zagreb.
The aim of the course is to introduce participants to the principles and methods of data synthesis and triangulation and to describe how they can be used as programme evaluation tools. One of the key purposes of HIV data triangulation is to enable more effective data use.
Through exercises (practicums) participants will acquire skills in data interpretation and gain better understanding of the process of data triangulation. Practicums will also illustrate the most common challenges in data use, such as those arising from the errors in data collection methods, design of surveys and the ways data have been analysed and presented in the reports.
The course will be held at the WHO Collaborating Centre for HIV Surveillance, Rockefeller street 4, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia. Please apply for the course online via: www.whohub-zagreb.org or directly at: http://www.whohub-zagreb.org/apply/registration
The message confirming you application will be sent to you by email.
The course fee is 750 EUR and includes lunches and coffee breaks during five days of the course, and course materials. The fee should be paid by 27 September 2013.
We will be glad to answer any additional questions that you might have.
Assistance in getting a visa for Croatia will be provided to those who need it.
We look forward to seeing you in Zagreb.
Lucija Sikic
Project Officer
WHO Collaborating Centre for HIV Surveillance
Andrija Stampar School of Public Health
University of Zagreb School of Medicine
Rockefellerova 4
10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 4590 100, 142, Fax: +385 1 46 84 212
E-mail: training@snz.hr; lucijasikic@inet.hr